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- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 6
- Kanji:
- 好珠
- Meaning:
- 好Like. Love. Good. Likeable. Desirable. Excellent, admirable. Good relationship. cordial. Close relationship. To be pleased.
- 珠Ball. A round ball that forms inside a shell. A small, round ball, like a pearl. A metaphor for something beautiful or magnificent.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 3
- Kanji:
- 瑚乃海
- Meaning:
- 瑚Name of the instrument. A vessel used to hold the five grains of rice and offer them to a religious temple. A character used for coral.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 海Sea. Wide and large. A place where many people and things gather. A large lake or pond. A large lake or pond. A frontier. The end of the earth.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 2
- Kanji:
- 好
- Meaning:
- 好Like. Love. Good. Likeable. Desirable. Excellent, admirable. Good relationship. cordial. Close relationship. To be pleased.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 2
- Kanji:
- 好海
- Meaning:
- 好Like. Love. Good. Likeable. Desirable. Excellent, admirable. Good relationship. cordial. Close relationship. To be pleased.
- 海Sea. Wide and large. A place where many people and things gather. A large lake or pond. A large lake or pond. A frontier. The end of the earth.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 2
- Kanji:
- 好美
- Meaning:
- 好Like. Love. Good. Likeable. Desirable. Excellent, admirable. Good relationship. cordial. Close relationship. To be pleased.
- 美Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 1
- Kanji:
- 木ノ実
- Meaning:
- 木Tree. Wood. No frills.
- ノ
- 実Fruit of plants and trees. Seeds of plants and trees. The production of fruits and seeds. Fruitfulness. To be full. To flourish. To have enough. Abundant. Wealth. Truthfulness. True. Truthfulness.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 1
- Kanji:
- 湖乃実
- Meaning:
- 湖Lake. A place where water accumulates on land.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 実Fruit of plants and trees. Seeds of plants and trees. The production of fruits and seeds. Fruitfulness. To be full. To flourish. To have enough. Abundant. Wealth. Truthfulness. True. Truthfulness.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 1
- Kanji:
- 木乃実
- Meaning:
- 木Tree. Wood. No frills.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 実Fruit of plants and trees. Seeds of plants and trees. The production of fruits and seeds. Fruitfulness. To be full. To flourish. To have enough. Abundant. Wealth. Truthfulness. True. Truthfulness.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 瑚野実
- Meaning:
- 瑚Name of the instrument. A vessel used to hold the five grains of rice and offer them to a religious temple. A character used for coral.
- 野A field. Arable land. In its natural state. It was nasty and rough. Unworthy of their status. Range. Private.
- 実Fruit of plants and trees. Seeds of plants and trees. The production of fruits and seeds. Fruitfulness. To be full. To flourish. To have enough. Abundant. Wealth. Truthfulness. True. Truthfulness.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 好心
- Meaning:
- 好Like. Love. Good. Likeable. Desirable. Excellent, admirable. Good relationship. cordial. Close relationship. To be pleased.
- 心Mind. Spirit. Feelings. Thoughts. Heart. Chest. Center. The center of things. Important things. The point.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 小美
- Meaning:
- 小Small. Little. Small in number or quantity. Trivial. Insignificant. Unimportant. Young person. Underestimate the ability. To treat lightly. A word used to humble oneself.
- 美Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 誇乃美
- Meaning:
- 誇Boast of
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 美Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 虹乃美
- Meaning:
- 虹Rainbow.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 美Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 胡乃美
- Meaning:
- 胡Different ethnic groups living in the north and west of China
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 美Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 胡乃未
- Meaning:
- 胡Different ethnic groups living in the north and west of China
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 未Not yet. Sheep of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 胡乃実
- Meaning:
- 胡Different ethnic groups living in the north and west of China
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 実Fruit of plants and trees. Seeds of plants and trees. The production of fruits and seeds. Fruitfulness. To be full. To flourish. To have enough. Abundant. Wealth. Truthfulness. True. Truthfulness.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 瑚乃美
- Meaning:
- 瑚Name of the instrument. A vessel used to hold the five grains of rice and offer them to a religious temple. A character used for coral.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 美Beautiful. Excellent. Splendid. Delicious.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 瑚乃未
- Meaning:
- 瑚Name of the instrument. A vessel used to hold the five grains of rice and offer them to a religious temple. A character used for coral.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 未Not yet. Sheep of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 瑚乃弥
- Meaning:
- 瑚Name of the instrument. A vessel used to hold the five grains of rice and offer them to a religious temple. A character used for coral.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 弥It's been a long time. Distant. Extensive, pervasive. Passing time. Big. To mend. To sew. To put away. To stop. To finish. Finally. More and more. Further.
- Name:
- konomi
- Katakana:
- コノミ
- 0
- Kanji:
- 瑚乃巳
- Meaning:
- 瑚Name of the instrument. A vessel used to hold the five grains of rice and offer them to a religious temple. A character used for coral.
- 乃In other words. For that reason. So. A long time ago. In the past. You. A second-person pronoun for a person of equal or inferior status. The word for "no" is used in particles.
- 巳Snake. The sixth of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The direction is south-southeast. The time is 10 a.m. and two hours before and after it.
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