Math 246 Exams, Fall 2020 (2025)

There will be three in-class exams and a two-hour final exam. These exams are the only Major Scheduled Grading Events for this course.
These exams and their (optional) review sessions are scheduled as follows.
  • In-Class Exams:
    • Thursday, 24 September
      • Sample Problems for the First Exam. (pdf file)
      • Solutions to the Sample Problems for the First Exam. (pdf file)
    • Thursday, 22 October
      • Sample Problems for the Second Exam. (pdf file)
      • Solutions to the Sample Problems for the Second Exam. (pdf file)
      • Second Exam. (pdf file)
      • Solutions to the Second Exam. (pdf file)
    • Thursday, 19 November
      • Sample Problems for the Third Exam. (pdf file)
      • Solutions to the Sample Problems for the Third Exam. (pdf file)
      • Third Exam. (pdf file)
      • Solutions to the Third Exam. (pdf file)
  • Final Exam:
    • Wednesday, 16 December, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
      • Sample Problems for the Final Exam. (pdf file)
      • Solutions to the Sample Problems for the Final Exam. (pdf file)
      • The Final Exam. (pdf file)
  • Review Sessions:
    • Tuesday, 22 September, 7:00pm - 9:00pm via ELMS/Zoom
    • Tuesday, 20 October, 7:00pm - 9:00pm via ELMS/Zoom
    • Tuesday, 17 November, 7:00pm - 9:00pm via ELMS/Zoom
    • Monday, 14 December, 7:00pm - 9:00pm via ELMS/Zoom
No calculators, books, or notes may be used during these exams.
All items except pens, pencils, and erasers must be off the desktops.
This includes anything that is or might be electronic (like a watch).
You are expected to handwrite and sign the University Honor Pledge.

Midterm Exams: The midterm three exams will be worth 100 points each. Make-up exams will only be offered to those with a legitimate excuse. If you miss an in-class exam and if you

  • have a 5 or better on at least one of the quizzes covering the material on the exam,
  • and earn a C- or better on all the other exams (including the final),
then your score for that exam will be replaced by the average of half your final exam score and your lowest other in-class exam score. In all other cases if you miss one or more in-class exams then your score for each missed exam will be zero. If the University closes on the day of a scheduled in-class exam, the exam will be given during the next lecture time that the class meets. You may appeal the score you receive on an in-class exam by submitting your exam plus a note stating which problems you wish to have regraded to Professor Levermore. An appeal must be made within two weeks of the day the exam is given.

Final Exam: The two-hour Final Exam will be worth 200 points. It will be based on the entire course, including material covered after the third in-class exam. It will be common for all Math 246 sections. If you miss the Final Exam, and if by the next day you present a legitimate, well-documented excuse showing that for reasons beyond your control it was absolutely impossible for you to take the Final Exam, and if you have taken all the in-class exams and have a C- or better at the time of the Final Exam, then you will receive a grade of I for the course. In all other cases a score of zero will be assigned for the Final Exam and your course grade will be evaluated accordingly. If the University closes on the day of a scheduled final exam, then it will be given whenever the University reschedules it.

Accessibility and Disability Service (ADS): If you have a disability that might affect your performance on these timed exams, you may contact the ADS office in the Shoemaker Building. If they assess that you merit either private conditions and/or extra time then they will give you forms with which you must notify your instructors. This notification must be renewed for each course each semester. Because instructors must be notified of the ADS assessment at least one week before you use their service, you should arrange for it well in advance. Once I have been notifed, you may arrange to take your exams at ADS with the extra time they indicate by make a request on the ADS website at least one week prior to each time you plan to use their service. Your testing time at ADS must overlap the entire in-class exam time.

Bombs Away: If the score on one of your in-class exams is fifteen points or more below the scores that you got on your other two in-class exams and half your final exam score, it will be declared a "bomb", and treated as if you missed it (see above). This means that for this policy to apply you must:

  • have a 5 or better on at least one of the quizzes covering the material on the exam,
  • and earn a C- or better on all the other exams (including the final).
The scores for your quizzes will not change due to this adjustment.

Study Advice: The best way to study for in-class exams is (in order of importance):

  1. work the Sample Problems before the review,
  2. study the relevant quizzes (solutions are on-line),
  3. study the relevant discussion exercises,
  4. do the assigned homework (solutions are on-line),
  5. study examples in the on-line notes and Matlab text.
The best way to study for the Final Exam is (in order of importance):
  1. work the Sample Problems before the review,
  2. study all in-class exams (solutions are on-line),
  3. study all quizzes (solutions are on-line),
  4. study all the discussion exercises,
  5. review the assigned homework (solutions are on-line),
  6. study examples in the on-line notes and Matlab text.

Solutions to the sample problems will be posted on this web page shortly before each review. Many of these solutions will be discussed during the review. If you cannot attend the review then send a trusted spy. The sample problems for an exam can help you in several ways:

  • They give you a relatively compact yet comprehensive set of problems upon which you can focus your study. They cover most of the material that might be on the exam, so serve as a good review. This is why they are "sample problems" rather than a "sample exam".
  • They use the wording of questions that will be used on the exam. This is especially important on the common final exam where you may see vocabulary used by other instructors for the first time.
  • The posted solutions will show what is expected of you. This leaves little room for excuses like "I did not understand a question" or "I did not understand how far to carry out an answer".
Math 246 Exams, Fall 2020 (2025)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.